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Cornell University

Lab Blog

December 2024: Christmas came early this year! We were awarded a seed grant from the Cornell Center for Vertebrate Genomics for our project titled, “Genome scale profiling of the gut mycobiome to identify potential effects on human health.”
November 2024: Dr. Poole was honored to be invited by Annie Lin, PhD, RD to present a seminar at the The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota
September 2024: Dr. Poole was thrilled to be an invited speaker at the Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics Conference!
July 2024: Dr. Poole gave a talk at the 9th Conference on Beneficial Microbes in Madison, Wisconsin.
July 2024: Dr. Poole was an invited speaker at the 5th International Conference on Precision Nutrition and Metabolism in Public Health and Medicine in beautiful Ioannina, Greece. (Photo was taken on Santorini.)
June 2024: We published our first starch study manuscript in Gut microbes! The lab goal is to publish at least 7 manuscripts from the samples and data generated from this study.
This study was reported in the Cornell Chronicle and US News & World Report:
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